Our business resource page for a Mason County Chamber of Commerce provides essential tools and information for local businesses. It includes links to funding opportunities and business resources. This centralized hub supports growth, fosters collaboration, and ensures that businesses have access to the vital resources they need to succeed.
Radio Stations
- Mason County News
- San Angelo Standard Times
TV Stations
- KEYE (Fox)
Internet Access
- Hill Country Telecom
- Direct TV
- Dish Network
- Reach Broadband
Transportation/Air Access
- Federal: US-87, US-377 State: TX-29 FM: 386, 1871, 783
- Interstate: IH-10 (via Junction) Distance: 42 Miles
- Overnight Courier Service: UPS, Federal Express, USPS
- Highway Bus Service: Kerrville Bus Company
- Interstate Carriers: UPS
- Intrastate Carriers: Central Freight, Mistletoe
- Local Terminals: None
Air Service:
- Location: Mason-TX-29 East
- Runway Type/Length: Asphalt 3,700 ft
- Lighting: Y Instrument Landing System: N
- Taxi Available: N Car Rental: N
- Nearest Commercial Service: Austin/Bergstrom Int’l, San Antonio
State & Institutional Organizations
BLANCO COUNTY TEXAS GUIDE TO STARTING A BUSINESS: www.HillCountryPortal.com/web/businessguide. A practical, “how-to” manual.
BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF CENTRAL TEXAS: 800-580-8477; 1005 La Pasada Drive, Austin, TX 78752. BBB. Includes on-line search for reports on businesses, and filing complaints
EXPORT-IMPORT BANK: www.exim.gov
FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK (FLHB): www.fhlb.com. A cooperatively owned wholesale bank that supports housing and economic development in the communities served by our member institutions.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEED AND VENTURE FUNDS (NASVF): www.nasvf.org. An international membership organization that advocates for the growth of seed and early-stage innovation capital. NASVF connects the people in the world of venture capital and regional economic development, and collaborates with public and private fund managers and tech transfer professionals, who are committed to building their local economies by investing in entrepreneurs.
TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND (TETF): www.emergingtechfund.com. Created by the Texas Legislature in 2005. An advisory committee of high-tech leaders, entrepreneurs and research experts reviews potential projects and recommends funding allocations to the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker of the House. To date, the TETF has allocated more than $197.2 million in funds to 133 early stage companies, and $173 million in grant matching and research superiority funds to Texas universities, attracting 57 lead researchers, 20 research teams and more than 360 research staff.
TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS: www.txbiz.org. TAB works to improve the Texas business climate and to help make our state’s economy the strongest in the world.
TEXAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVES: www.tcce.org TCCE is an organization of chamber executives from across the state, working together to improve the business climate in Texas, while developing ways to enhance the quality of life in the communities that they represent.
GO TEXAN PROGRAM: www.gotexan.org. Launched by the Texas Department of Agriculture in 1999, Go Texan promotes the products, culture and communities of Texas. The easily recognizable logo – a glowing brand in the shape of Texas – taps into Lone Star loyalty, working to persuade the 22 million Texans who shop, dine and travel to choose the state’s bounty. Grant programs available.
TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: https://gov.texas.gov/business
TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GOVERNOR’S OFFICE: http://governor.state.tx.us/ecodev
TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL: 512-480-8432; www.texasedc.org. An Austin-based, statewide, non-profit professional association dedicated to development of economic and employment opportunities in Texas. TEDC is a one-stop shop for ideas, information, and influence. We are the largest state association of economic development professionals, volunteers, and elected officials. Our diverse members share a common goal — bringing new investment and jobs to Texas.
TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORY: www.ecodevdirectory.com/texas.htm
TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND (TEF): Click here for more info. Provides the state’s leaders with a “deal closing fund” that has the flexibility and financial resources to help strengthen the state’s economy. The fund can be used for a variety of economic development projects including infrastructure and community development, job training programs and business incentives. Before funds can be awarded, the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker must unanimously agree to support the use of the TEF for each specific project. TEF is used primarily to attract new business to the state or assist with the substantial expansion of an existing business as part of competitive recruitment. State leadership will also be able to use Enterprise funds to leverage other resources for an economic development project. To be eligible, a project must demonstrate a significant return on the state’s investment and strong local support. The review process will consider a variety of factors, including job creation and wages, capital investment, financial strength of the applicant, applicant’s business history, analysis of the relevant business sector, and public and private sector financial support.
TEXAS HOTEL & LODGING ASSOCIATION: 1-800-856-4328; www.texaslodging.com. To provide members representation and cost effective services at the national, state, and local levels in governmental affairs, education, and communications. Represents hotels, motels, resorts, bed & breakfasts, guest ranches, and tourism-related businesses since 1903.
TEXAS MIDWEST COMMUNITY NETWORK: 325-795-TMCN (8626); www.tmcn.org. Mission is to promote a regional approach to provide the resources and awareness for its members to achieve economic and community growth.
TEXAS STATE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER-SAN MARCOS: 512-245-4686; 601 University Dr, McCoy Hall, Rm 322, San Marcos, TX 78666.https://txsbdc.org/. Serves counties in Hill Country: Blanco, Burnet, Hays, Lampasas, Llano, San Saba, Travis, Williamson. Funded by SBA. Works with existing and start-up businesses to help them advance and compete. Services offered include counseling, training, research.
TEXAS TRAVEL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION: 512-328-8842; 3345 Bee Caves Rd, Suite 102A, Austin, TX 78746. www.ttia.org
TEXAS WIDE OPEN FOR BUSINESS: www.TexasWideOpenForBusiness.com. Any company looking to expand in or relocate to Texas will have all of the tools necessary for expansion or relocation at its fingertips. The new web site features informative sections on the Texas Enterprise Fund and other state incentive programs, as well as financing options for companies looking to create jobs and drive innovation in Texas. Extensive economic and key industry resources, workforce data, and information for small businesses are also highlighted on the new site. Businesses can also explore user-friendly interactive maps, reports and research tools, as well as the latest news on business development in Texas. This content appeals not only to corporate decision makers, but to members of the general public interested in the state of the Texas business climate. Texas continues to be a national example for job creation and a leader in the global marketplace, consistently attracting employers seeking a better place to start or expand their business, thanks to our low taxes, reasonable and predictable regulatory environment, fair legal system and skilled workforce.
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: www.usda.gov. Rural development financial programs, water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, economic development, loans, lending pools.
US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: www.uschamber.com
GRANT STATION: GrantStation.com. For non-profit organizations, information on availability on new funding programs, upcoming grant deadlines, conferences, training and relevant info for grant seekers.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF NON-PROFITS: Toll-free: 800-201-0779; 1101 Vermont Ave, NW, Ste 1002 Washington, DC 20005. www.councilofnonprofits.org. NCONP advances the vital role and capacity of the nonprofit sector in civil society and supports and gives voice to state and regional associations of nonprofit organizations.
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AT AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE: www.nonprofitaustin.org. The Center exists to promote, leverage and facilitate community collaborations and partnerships that broaden the horizons and possibilities for the Central Texas Nonprofit Sector. These collaborations reflect the Center’s ability to bring business, government and nonprofit sectors together around common goals.
TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: 512-223-7076; POB 27914 Austin, TX 78755-7914. www.tano.org. Mission is to connect, strengthen, and support the nonprofit community for the public good of Texas.
Helpful Hill Country Links
AUSTIN STATESMAN HILL COUNTRY GUIDE:www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Guides/HillCountry
BLANCO COUNTY TEXAS GUIDE TO STARTING A BUSINESS: A practical, “how-to” manual. (www.HillCountryPortal.com/web/businessguide)
CITY DATA: www.city-data.com/city/Texas.html
COMMUNITY PROFILE (via Podunk): www.epodunk.com
HILL COUNTRY ALLIANCE: 512-560-3135; www.hillcountryalliance.org. A non-profit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness and build community support around the need to preserve the natural resources and heritage of the Central Texas Hill Country.
HILL COUNTRY MAGAZINE: www.hillcountrymagazine.com
ONLINE HIGHWAYS: www.ohwy.com/tx
TEXAS COUNTY DATA: www.txcountydata.com. On line property tax database, by county.
TEXAS ESCAPES MAGAZINE ONLINE: www.texasescapes.com. A common sense and uncommon guide to small town Texas.
(THE) TEXAS HILL COUNTRY: www.texfiles.com. A bit of history, photos and spotlight articles on places in the Hill Country.
TEXAS HILL COUNTRY: www.texashillcountry.com
TEXAS HILL COUNTRY TRAIL REGION: www.txhillcountrytrail.com. An opportunity to learn more about heritage sites cities and attractions to build your own itinerary and plan your adventure today. Provided by the Texas Historical Commission, Texas Heritage Trails Program.
HILL COUNTRY BLOG: 365 Things To Do In The Texas Hill Country. Periodic postings by blogger Don Gray. Places to go, things to enjoy, restaurants, lodging, drives, etc.http://365thingstxhillcountry.blogspot.com
TOUR TEXAS: www.TourTexas.com
TOURIN TEXAS: www.texfiles.com/tourintexas
There are some organizations that serve the entire Hill Country that do not have a home base and thus are not listed by city, and/or that are not within the scope of any of our focus sections. Some of these may have an even wider geographic scope.
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE: Relay is an overnight, fun-filled team event for all ages. Form a team and join the American Cancer Society Relay For Life to help find a cure for cancer. Annual fundraiser events. www.cancer.org. 1-800-227-2345. www.acsevents.org
CARTS: Toll-free 1-800-456-RIDE. Transportation services for 169 communities since 1979.
HILL COUNTRY CATTLE WOMEN CHAPTER OF TEXAS CATTLE WOMEN: Contact: Beverly Lacy, 830-229-5604. Promote and support the production of beef industry, support private property rights by encouraging state and federal legislation to maintain those rights. Non-profit, non-political. Meetings 3rd Tue, but no meetings in July, Aug, Nov, Dec. Time: 10-10:30a Social. A program usually follows the business meeting. Cost varies, according to meeting place, and this is for the luncheon (Beef, of course!!) which follows each meeting. No cost for attending just the meeting and not having lunch. Annual dues $30. Held in different area of the Hill Country and planned by members living in that area. Members from 12 counties across the Hill Country. Monthly newsletter.